Thailand: The Land of Smiles

Thailand is often called the “Land of Smiles,” not only because visitors love its natural beauty and historical riches, but also because of the country’s friendly people and fascinating culture. We played with tigers at Tiger Temple, visited the Floating Village and local temples, ate a lot of Thai food we fell in love with and met some amazing and extremely hospitable people. Even though we have not gone for a yoga retreat in Thailand yet, we do go back from time to time and one day we will tick off all of the things we eventually want to do.

Check out our gallery to see how beautiful and friendly this country can be.

The Land of Smiles Movie

Now that you know that Thailand is described by many as the Land of Smiles, you will probably be surprised to learn that there is a horror movie by that name. Can’t believe me? Watch the trailer – it’s all based in Thailand!

YouTube video

What to do in Thailand – the Land of Smiles

Don’t be discouraged by the movie – it’s fictional and just for entertainment (although I’m not sure if I see the entertaining value in this myself). Thailand has so much more to offer. For example, you can check out the free things to do on Samui Island.

See also  Awesome Free Things to Do on Samui Island, Thailand


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Picture of Cez Krol
Cez Krol
I’m always positive and never bored – there’s just so much more to see and experience! I began my journey around the world in 2011 with just $400 and one-way ticket to Asia. Still going and blogging today. You can typically spot me working on a laptop or rock climbing.
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50 thoughts on “Thailand: The Land of Smiles”

  1. Avatar of Samuel Jeffery

    Thailand is certainly the land of smiles. When I was putting together a smiling faces project I had more photos that qualified from Thailand than just about anywhere else. A close second would be Bangladesh. Loved the shot of the Monk with the tiger.

    1. Avatar of Agness

      Yes, you are right. We could see people smiling to us all the time and we loved the hospitality. Bangladesh might be our next destination. Happy travels Sam! Greetings from Sri Lanka- The Land of Spicy Food and Elephants :).

    2. Avatar of PassportDave

      That is great to hear Samuel! Seems like Thailand is a very happy place the more I hear about it. I have also never been to Bangladesh but if it is a close second, I will definitely be adding it to the list. Thanks for a great suggestion!

    1. Avatar of Agness

      I will be posting a separate note on Tiger Temple so you can read about it properly. In very simple words, it’s a place located in the Saiyok district of Thailand’s Kanchanaburi province, not far from the border with Myanmar, where the tigers are kept and drugged so tourists can take some photos with them. The animals are treated very good as I could see and there are some monks taking care of them as well.

  2. Avatar of Mariah

    I am thinking of going to Thailand next February to stay for a few months! Is Bangkok the cheapest city to fly into from the States? I´d like to travel around the country, what were your favorite spots?

    1. Avatar of Agness

      The flights from Asian countries to Bangkok are very cheap. I am not sure about the States, but once you get in here, the food and accommodation is very cheap. You can get a single room for $3-5 and grab some nice local food for $1-3 per meal. My favourite place was the Floating Village and the Tiger Temple. There were many locals selling a lot of stuff there, I had the best food ever (Chinese dumplings) and we went for a boat riding across the river. It was such a great fun. In the Tiger Temple we took some photos of tigers and played with them. Additionally, you can visit some Buddhist Temples around, go to some local villages around and ride an elephant. Hope you will have a great time and e-mail me if you need some help:).

  3. Avatar of OutsideTheGuidebook

    Amazing photographs guys. Thanks You Agness for tweeting out my latest post and linking up on Twitter & Facebook. I will be following yuor blog keenly! :-) Guess what, I am coming to South East Asia in late November/December and touring the region! Where are you guys based?

    1. Avatar of Agness

      It’s my pleasure. I loved your website and we are more than happy to follow your adventures. We are living in Siem Reap, Cambodia now, but we are planning to move out in a month and travel maybe in India. We will keep you posted on our plans and we wish we could host you when you come to Siem Reap. Happy travels :)

  4. Avatar of Mary {The World Is A Book}

    What a wonderful collection of beautiful photos! We haven’t been to Thailan yet but your pictures certainly moves them up our travel list. I’ve always loved those Tiger pictures – a bit unnerving but I’m sure an awesome experience. Your food pictures make me want to have Thai food today :)

    1. Avatar of Agness

      Hi Mary. Thanks for your comment. You must visit Thailand, it’s not only the Land of Smiles but also the Land of Food and Animals. I totally loved it and I’m pleasured people can see it when looking the the photos. Thai food is lovely. I’ll be posting a separate note on Thai food soon :). Happy travels!

  5. Avatar of Daniel McBane - Funny Travel Stories

    Great photos. Personally, I’m not a fan of the tiger temple, but I love photographing markets and it looks like you got some great market shots. Did you get a chance to go to the Erawan waterfall when you were in Kanchanaburi? It was one of the more beautiful waterfalls I’ve seen and I spent pretty much all day floating around in the various pools.

    1. Avatar of Agness

      Thanks Daniel. Unfortunately we have not been to the Erawan Waterfall as we had no time, but you are not the first person saying it’s a worth-seeing place. We will go there next time, that’s for sure. I just googled it and it looks stunning! :-)

    1. Avatar of Agness

      Thanks DebbZie. We would love to but we can’t make it this year unfortunately. Maybe next year, but thanks for the invitation. We would love to meet up and have some lovely meal together :)x

  6. Avatar of Mike

    Glad you guys are grooving so much on Thailand. It was my first step into SE Asia and I’ve loved it since my first visit. And amazing photos. Love the buffalo shot. Awesome!

    1. Avatar of Cez

      Thanks Mike,

      We can’t wait to visit Japan and other countries you have been to. I find your blog useful with the travel tips. Keep it up.

      Good luck,

  7. Avatar of Kathryn Burrington

    I can’t believe these tiger photos. I felt quite emotional when I saw the first one. How amazing! I don’t usually like to see animals in captivity but these tigers do look very relaxed and happy. What a wonderful trip. I’m looking forward to reading more of your posts and seeing more of your beautiful photographs.

    1. Avatar of Agness

      Thank you Kathryn for stopping by. The tigers were very cute and happy indeed. The whole trip was wonderful and thanks for kind words. I will be keeping you posted. Happy travels!

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