The Must Have Tools for Digital Nomads

Living in one place may be the norm for a lot of people but, for some, it may feel more fulfilling to make the entire world your home. When you frequently move from place to place, you may have to get quite inventive regarding the ways that you work and manage your finances. To be able to do this effectively, you might want to give due consideration to the different tools that exist. Some of these might be a real blessing for digital nomads, as well as any other individuals who do not work for a company, or from a designated location.

Agness working in a cafe


Getting paid is self-evidently important for anyone working. However, for those who work for themselves, there is the added burden of having to invoice and sometimes chase for the payment to be made.  Forgetting to do so, or not including all of the relevant information, could mean a delay in receiving money. These delays might cause a lot of stress, especially if your earnings go directly to funding your accommodation, flights, and travel. Finding the means to generate an invoice quickly, and without a great deal of effort, could give you back a bit more time in the day, as well as allow you to clearly see where payments should be coming from, and if any are outstanding. These invoice templates are the perfect way to streamline the entire process, helping you get paid faster with professional and accurate invoices every time.

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currency in the Philippines

Checking Accounts without Fees

While you may expect to incur fees if your payments fail, or if you spend more than your account allows, you might not want to have to pay a premium simply for wanting to access your hard-earned cash. Opting for an account that doesn’t charge for international withdrawals could be your best step forward. This way, you may be able to visit a bank or ATM across the globe, withdraw money, and not have to pay fees time and time again for the luxury. As someone who moves frequently, this could save you quite a bit throughout your journey.

International Calling Plan

Whether you want to call a client in another country or make a call to family or friends back in your hometown, many digital nomads might benefit from using a cell phone carrier that offers international calling as part of its plan. Although you might conduct a lot of conversations through email, or even apps that use wi-fi coverage to function, sometimes you may want to simply speak to people directly, therefore, rather than forking out for long-distance call fees, it can be reassuring to know that they are included within your bundle.

Reliable laptop

Your laptop is going to be everything to you as a digital nomad, so make sure you invest in a good one. The last thing you want to happen is your only mode of completing your job giving up the ghost on you. While there’s no guarantee your laptop won’t experience some kind of downtime, buying a new state-of-the-art machine is the best way to reduce your risk. But remember, if disaster should strike, you need a way of recovering your work or you might find yourself in some serious hot water. Always back up your work as you go, whether that’s in the cloud or on a portable hard drive.

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Agness and Cez working online

Mobile hotspot

In some countries, you’ll be able to find a Wi-Fi connection wherever you go, but in others, you could be struggling to get online. Never leave anything up to chance when your livelihood depends on it. Lots of digital nomads invest in a mobile hotspot that allows them to connect to the internet wherever they are. It can be pricey, but it’s worth it when you’re traveling from one place to another or find yourself in a jam. This way you’ll still be able to get work over to your clients when you’re on the train or living in an apartment with intermittent Wi-Fi at best. It also opens up lots of public places as potential working spaces, so if you enjoy a change in scenery, a mobile hotspot is for you.

Agness writing a blog post on the beach

Planner and calendar

As a digital nomad, you have a lot going on in your life. It can be hard to keep track of everything and forgetting what time your train is leaving or when that important client call is can have huge consequences. Even if you love being spontaneous, it’s a good idea to have some kind of a plan for the weeks or months ahead. Using a digital planner and calendar can help you to stay on top of everything important. Remember to schedule alerts in case something slipped your mind.

While a digital planner will be a big help, you need to remember that certain travel documents will have to be printed out and kept in your bag. It’s a good idea to have visas and passports securely tucked away somewhere so you’re not scrambling when you have to produce them.

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Before you go on holiday you probably know you have to take out travel insurance, but what about when traveling is your whole life? Don’t make the mistake of living this adventurous lifestyle without the right kind of cover and protection. It’s true that regular travel insurance probably won’t be enough – and will end up being expensive in the long run – so make sure you seek out insurance plans tailored to your unique lifestyle. Not only will you need your medical expenses covered but you’ll need to insure your laptop and any other equipment you need for your job.

Cez climbing in Siurana

Considering the best ways to make and save money when working as a digital nomad can help you manage your finances better. In doing so, you can remove some of your concerns about money, allowing you to relax and enjoy your adventures. Whether you decide to consider this way of life temporarily, or for the foreseeable, is up to you, but it can be easier when you have the means of looking after yourself.


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Picture of Agness Walewinder
Agness Walewinder
Travel freak, vagabond, photography passionate, blogger, life enthusiast, backpacker, adventure hunter and endless energy couchsurfer living by the rule "Pack lite, travel far and live long!"
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