4 Tips for How to Save Money to Travel Long-Term

If you’re dreaming of exploring the work and heading off for a long-term adventure, you’re probably going to want to set off with at least a small amount of savings. You’ll also need to have the funds available to pay for your first mode of transport, whether it’s by plane, boat, train or another method.

travel map

Other up-front expenses may include vaccinations, comprehensive travel insurance, new luggage and a few basic clothes that are suitable for a life on the road. If you have a strong desire and motivation to see the world, it doesn’t need to be that difficult to save money to travel.

1. Socialise at Home

If you’re serious about saving money to travel you won’t miss a few nights out partying or eating in restaurants. And, you may be surprised at how your travel fund can build by choosing to stay in more.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t hang out with your friends or be sociable, though. It just means that you’re going to be more creative how you do it.

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Rather than heading to a restaurant, why not invite your buddies over for dinner? The ingredients to whip up a tasty meal will cost less than eating out. Especially if one guest brings the appetiser, another brings dessert and someone else brings some nibbles. And everyone can bring a bottle to share among the group.


Hold parties at home, host video nights, have a themed night, get retro and play board games; socialising at home can actually be heaps more fun sometimes than going out! Plus, it helps you to save money to travel. You never know, your friends might also be glad to save some dollars and start hosting events in their homes too.

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2. Cut Out Unnecessary Expenditure

To do this effectively, you’ll really need to track everything that you spend. Once you can see where your money is going on unessential items you can start making cutbacks. Do make sure that you actually put the money you’ve saved in a separate bank account or piggy bank so that it doesn’t just get swallowed up by other things.

Do you regularly find yourself picking up the phone to order takeout? Do you buy ready meals or packaged sandwiches? Food can be a huge chunk of wasted money. Of course, you need to eat. Eating itself is not a waste of money at all. But, the type of food you eat and the preparation (or not) that you put into making meals can drain your pockets if you’re not careful.

Do you pay for any packages that you don’t really need? Cancel the gym membership and exercise at home instead. Or, go for a fun in the park. Downgrade your phone package if not essential. Cancel movie and magazine subscriptions. You get the idea!

3. Sell Unwanted Items

You’re trying to save money to travel, therefore, you’re planning to travel. If you’re going traveling, why do you need to keep so much stuff? Be ruthless and go through your belongings and sell anything that you no longer use or need. The money that you make can go into your travel fund.

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There are many ways you can sell things, from advertisements in local papers and listings on websites like Ebay and Amazon, to holding a garage sale or going along to a jumble sale. If there are things you can’t sell, consider giving back to the community by donating clothing to a homeless shelter, blankets to an animal shelter and so on.

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4. Work Extra Hours

Increasing your income can give your travel fund a massive boost. Grab as much overtime in your current work as you can. But remember, when your paycheck comes, move the extra earnings into a savings account so you don’t spend without realising.

Agness working at the airport

You could also consider taking on a part-time job around your regular work. Many restaurants and bars, for example, are regularly looking for extra staff members for evening and weekend shifts. Babysitting, doing odd-jobs or market research on the streets are all other ideas to consider. Be creative!

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Another option is to do some temporary or freelance work. Online temping agencies make it easy to find temping jobs that match your existing skills. You can work from home, work on your lunch break, work when commuting and, pretty much, work from anywhere!


Once you set your mind to it, there are many ways you can save money to travel. Don’t forget that you can also often find work when traveling too to top up your funds and help you to sustain a life of travel. Lay the foundations to start living those dreams!


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Picture of Agness Walewinder
Agness Walewinder
Travel freak, vagabond, photography passionate, blogger, life enthusiast, backpacker, adventure hunter and endless energy couchsurfer living by the rule "Pack lite, travel far and live long!"
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