Time to Move on: Saying Farewell to Cambodia

The time has come and there’s no turning back. We fell our feet itching and it wasn’t only because of mosquitoes. It’s time to move on to the better things, in another country and then countries. It’s time to say farewell to Cambodia for now, hello to the new adventures, and to write something about our stay in the land of Khmer people.

Saying goodbye at Poipet border
Saying goodbye at Poipet border

Things we will miss


We met both locals and expats we will never forget. There’s a good mix of both in Siem Reap. A god bunch of happy people who love to socialize and hang out together, wherever they came from.

Khmer lady smiling
People always smile


Cambodia is a colorful place. Don’t know if it’s the bright sunlight, Buddhist influence, cheerful people or all of them that make it full of colors, but that’s certainly something we will miss. Photos look great at all times and it’s easy to stay positive and have a good mood when you’re surrounded by beautiful sights.

Angkor Wat Temple
Angkor Wat Temple


We lived in Cambodia during the end of rain season. It wasn’t too warm and it wasn’t too cold. It wasn’t too rainy and it wasn’t too dry. It was just right. We’ll miss this a lot.

Things we will not miss

It’s all about the money

It’s sad to say, but Siem Reap (being a popular tourist destination) often make people focus too much on profits and too little on other important things in life. Being there for more than two months we learned that for many we are only as good as the size of our wallets. Thankfully this wasn’t always the case, but still left some bad taste.

See also  Traveling For Less Than $25: Floating Market, Damnoen Saduak, Thailand


Unfortunately, apart from few exceptions, Cambodia is not big on taste or menu choice. Most of the best eats come from other countries. In our opinion, Vietnam, Thailand, Sri Lanka and China has much more to offer and we are happy go back to these mouth-watering cuisines.

Khmer bananas

What’s next?

We are now in Thailand, but that’s only one of the stops on our way to… a secret.

Chilling out on Kho Phangan Island
Chilling out on Kho Phangan Island

We’ve been to Bangkok and Kho Phangan, where we met the best people ever, had enormous amounts of fun and sun-burn, and learned few important lessons. We will write about it all soon. Plus with new destinations ahead, we won’t let you forget about us :)!

Bon voyage!

Agness and Cez


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Picture of Cez Krol
Cez Krol
I’m always positive and never bored – there’s just so much more to see and experience! I began my journey around the world in 2011 with just $400 and one-way ticket to Asia. Still going and blogging today. You can typically spot me working on a laptop or rock climbing.
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