Update: Next destinations – Hong Kong and Cycling the Full Length of Vietnam

It’s finally time to share the news with the world and because you, our readers, are important part of our world, we will share the info with you here. In less than two weeks time, just before the end of June 2012, we are leaving our jobs in China and going to Hong Kong, first. Then, we are going to start our bike ride through Vietnam.

Bicycle on the road

What are we going to do in Hong Kong?

HK is a great place for organising things and stocking up for our journey through Vietnam on things not so readily available in China. Like for example the vaccinations. Yes, you can get it in Chongqing… if you know Chinese. Thankfully, in Hong Kong everyone speaks English, so we can easily and safely get what we need.

Additionally, we need to get Vietnamese visas for 3 months, so that we can cycle slowly. Also we will meet up with Sam, my French friend I met in Chongqing. It will be great to reunite, he’s got some stories to tell :)

Why cycle the full length of Vietnam?

Is there a better way to travel the country on the cheap? We don’t think so. Well, an idea that grew in our minds, slowly, but surely came into words, then decision and finally a PLAN. Just like in “Inception” movie, but without guns, DiCaprio or 5 level dreams. From a small idea to a big plan, it took us less than a week. We kept it secret for a while, we were not sure if another idea could strike our minds, but once we bought the gear (bikes) we were certain. With few days of training and few days to go, we are finally ready to go public with our news.

See also  Kayaking & Cycling in Banyoles #InCostaBrava

Both me and Agness had to give something up for it. I handed in a month’s notice at work and Agness had to forget about her backpacking challenge and forgo the flight tickets she bought to Philippines and Japan. There’s more sacrifices ahead of us. We are planning to spend 2-3 months in Vietnam and cycle about 2500 kilometres. Meaning that we will be out of any sort of income for some time and sweat a lot. In return, we will be taking in Vietnamese culture and customs, picturesque views and tons of food, slowly to fully appreciate the full extent of differences from our previous experiences. Also, we’d love to occasionally volunteer on our way. Be it an orphanage where we could teach English or any other community project, we’re up for it. If you know of anything going on worth lending a hand or four, let us know.

We will update you throughout our journey!

We don’t have much experience cycling long-distances, so any advice is warmly welcome :)


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Picture of Cez Krol
Cez Krol
I’m always positive and never bored – there’s just so much more to see and experience! I began my journey around the world in 2011 with just $400 and one-way ticket to Asia. Still going and blogging today. You can typically spot me working on a laptop or rock climbing.
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